Sensei David Jones
ISKF Calgary Students
Seek Perfection of Character | Be Faithful | Endeavor | Respect Others | Refrain from Violent Behavior

Our Lineage

Master Funakoshi

Master G. Funakoshi, founder of modern karate-do, was born in 1868 in Okinawa. In 1922 he introduced karate to Japan where he remained until his death in 1957, Master Funakoshi chose the character Kara (empty) and Te (hand) for its meaning in Zen philosophy, rendering oneself empty of selfish or negative thought; for only with a clear mind, free from the emotions of fear or anxiety can the karate student achieve what he desires. To Master Funakoshi karate-do was not just a fighting art. lt was a way of fully developing one's character.

Master Okazaki

Master T Okazaki, 9th dan, is a former student of Master Funakoshi, He was born in 1931 and began training in 1947. He has been based in Philadelphia, Penn., U.S.A. since 1961 and is the Chairman and Chief Instructor of the International Shotokan Karate Federation. This organization has over 50,000 members in over 75 countries. Master Okazaki is world famous for his karate technique but perhaps more importantly, his continuation, dedication and promotion of Master Funakoshi’s philosophy and principles.

Master Yaguchi

Master Y. Yaguchi, 8th dan, is Vice Chairman and Vice Chief Instructor of the International Shotokan Karate Federation. Master Yaguchi has trained since 1950 in karate and has produced many famous karate competitors. Master Yaguchi is based in Denver and frequently visits Alberta giving technical direction and organizational support.

Sensei David Jones

Sensei David Jones, 8th dan, David Jones began his Karate training in England in the early 1970s, and by 1978 had opened his own Dojo. He trained under such Masters as Enoeda and Kanazawa before emigrating to Calgary in 1981. Sensei Jones has participated in many National and International Championships. From 1986 to 1992 he represented Canada on the National Team. He was a kata finalist in the 1990 World Shoto Cup and was Canadian National Kumite Champion in 1991. See full bio... click here